Kalajadu English-language
Kalajadu English-language
Love of husband and wife and attendance required,
write this picture with rose water and blue ink every
Sunday after Fajr prayer
Give one map to the desired person, keep the second
map and use the third map according to the element
Let the love be intense, but the effects are tested
Naqsh for the closure of the relationship, the boy or
girl who does not have a relationship or the
relationship has stopped due to the closure, then
write this Naqsh Mubarak after the Fajr prayer and put
one Naqsh around the neck and hang the other Naqsh
on a fruit tree.
Naqsh Mubarak, for the end of enmity and corruption,
the enemy is humiliated and the enemy is protected
from the enemy, from the enemy who is in danger of
life and property, or if there is a fear of harming
property and children, then write this Naqsh with
vinegar and black ink and keep one Naqsh with you.
Leave it in the forest, you will be surprised, the
enemy will beg you all the time
For milk, a woman who gives milk to her child and
does not have milk or lack of milk, write this pattern
with black ink and rose water.
لوح رزق و فراخی رزق گاہش کےلئے بہترین نقش ہین دفعہ بندش
کاروبار مفلصی و تنگدستی نایاب
نقش ہیں اس نقش مبارک کو روز جمعہ بعد نماز فجر عرق گلاب و
نیلے سیاہی سے لکھ کر ایک نقش
اپنے پاس رکھے دوسرا نقش گلے میں ڈال دے انشاءا
Loh Rizk and generous sustenance are the best
example for the customer
Naqsh is a Naqsh written with rose water and blue ink
after Fajr prayer on Friday
Keep the second image and put it around your neck
Naqsh Please write this Naqsh in Saat Saeed for
enemies and times of enmity
The student should keep the other one and hang it on
the fruit tree.
Love of husband and wife and attendance required,
write this picture with rose water and blue ink every
Sunday after Fajr prayer
Give one map to the desired person, keep the second
map and use the third map according to the element
Let the love be intense, but the effects are tested
Love of husband and wife and attendance required,
write this picture with rose water and blue ink every
Sunday after Fajr prayer
Give one map to the desired person, keep the second
map and use the third map according to the element
Let the love be intense, but the effects are tested