Thursday 12 September 2024



[17/09/2022 9:28 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Learn everything you  can,* 

 *Anytime you can,* 

 *From anyone you can,* 

 *There will always come a* *time* 

 *When you will be grateful* *indeed* .

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[17/09/2022 9:33 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Learn everything you  can,* ' 

 *Anytime you can,* 

 *From anyone you can,* 

 *There will always come a* *time* 

 *When you will be grateful* *indeed* .

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[18/09/2022 7:30 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Sometimes you just have to step outside the box and take a leap of faith.* 

*You may not be able to see what's on the other side, but you can't remain in the same* *place.* 

*Fear is what keeps you* *there.* 

*If you want something* *badly enough you'll take* *the steps to get* *there.* 

*If you believe it, then you* *can achieve it.* 

 *Have a Glorious Sunday*

[20/09/2022 3:56 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Fulfilling your destiny is like going on an errand assignment. You must run it to make it meaningful. You don't become who you should become when you remain passionlessly without taking actions.*

 *Have a Thoughtful Tuesday*

[21/09/2022 8:09 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Life changes so quickly* *that in a second* *so many things* *can happen.* 

 *It is in these flickering* *moments that we* *SUFFER, we ENDURE, we* *REJOICE, and we* *MOURN. It is these* *moments that will make* *MEMORIES that* *last a lifetime.* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[27/09/2022 9:01 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.*

 *Have a Thoughtful Tuesday*

[28/09/2022 9:06 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*You are a product of your* *environment.* 

*So choose the* *environment that will* *best develop you toward* *your objective.* 

*Analyze your life in terms* *of its* *environment.* 

*Are the things around* *you helping you toward* *success - or are they* *holding you back?* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[29/09/2022 8:26 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.*

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[30/09/2022 9:14 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Things in life are going to change. It's not about the changes it's about how you react to these changes, accept these changes and understand things change for a reason and usually it's for the better.*

 *Have a Fulfilling Friday*

[02/10/2022 7:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Whoever does not regard* *what he has as* *most ample wealth, is* *unhappy, though he be* *master of the world.* 

 *Have a Glorious Sunday*

[03/10/2022 9:54 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *You don't develop* *courage by being happy* *in your* *relationships everyday.* *You develop it by* *surviving difficult times* *and challenging* *adversity.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[04/10/2022 9:02 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The hell to be endured* *hereafter, of which* *theology tells, is no* *worse than the hell we* *make for ourselves in* *this world by habitually* *fashioned our characters* *in the wrong* *way.* 

 *Have a Thoughtful* *Tuesday*

[05/10/2022 8:41 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Good character is not* *formed in a week or a* *month. It is created little* *by little, day by day.* *Protracted and* *patient effort is needed* *to develop good* *character.* 

 *Have a wonderful* *Wednesday*

[06/10/2022 4:29 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The wicked leader is he* *who the people* *despise.* 

*The good leader is he* *who the people revere.* 

*The great leader is he* *who the people say,* 

*'We did it ourselves.'* 

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*6

[07/10/2022 8:58 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Individuality is founded in* *feeling; and the* *recesses of feeling, the* *darker, blinder strata* *of character, are* *the only places in* *the world in which we* *catch real fact in the* *making, and directly* *perceive how events* *happen, and how work is* *actually done.* 

 *Have a Fulfilling Friday*

[08/10/2022 8:50 AM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Approach the start of each day with something in mind and end the day with one word .DONE.*

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[11/10/2022 3:06 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Anything that you learn becomes your wealth, a wealth that cannot be taken away from you; whether you learn it in a building called school or in the school of life. To learn something new is a timeless pleasure and a valuable treasure. And not all things that you learn are taught to you, but many things that you learn you realize you have taught yourself.*

 *Have a Thoughtful Tuesday*

[12/10/2022 9:58 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Never be sad for missing whatever you expected. But, be happy about that because God has planned to give another one, better than you expected.* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[13/10/2022 7:46 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Those who consider the inessential to be essential And see the essential as inessential Don't reach the essential, Living in the field of wrong intention*

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[14/10/2022 8:34 PM] Oga ganiyu: *FRIDAY PRAYER TIPS:* 

Ya Allah! You are the provider that enriches without limitations. Indeed, You are the Most Beneficent that sustains the whole universe without recession.

 Let all our praises and thanks be to Allah SWT, Who Alone created the heavens and earth. He originated the darkness and light. Let's worship and fear Him alone for nothing can be likened on to Him. He alone is Who created us from clay and Who can cause to die. 

Ya Allah! Save us from the torment of the Mighty Day. Let's be righteous and guide our deeds to make us be among the successful ones on the Mighty Day. Allah SWT , You are Great and Wonderful in Your Care for us. You give Wisdom free , the richest wealth; Patience free, the strongest weapon; Faith free, the best security; Laughter free, the greatest tonic. Ya Allah guide our hearts to be appreciative of Your uncountable Favours on us.

 *Juma'at Mufheedah*

[22/10/2022 8:55 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *When you disarm the* *people, you commence* *to offend them and show* *that you distrust* *them either through* *cowardice or lack of* *confidence, and both of* *these opinions* *generate hatred.* 

 *Have a wonderful* *weekend*

[24/10/2022 9:35 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Success or failure* *depends more upon* *attitude than upon* *capacity successful men* *act as though they* *have accomplished* *or are* *enjoying something.* *Soon it becomes a* *reality. Act, look, feel* *successful, conduct* *yourself accordingly, and* *you will be amazed* *at the positive* *results.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[25/10/2022 9:10 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *To fight and conquer in* *all our battles is not* *supreme excellence;* *supreme excellence* *consists in breaking the* *enemy's resistance* *without* *fighting.* 

 *Have a Thoughtful* *Tuesday*

[26/10/2022 8:01 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*A perfect life does not exist, so embrace your imperfections, work on a better you, and focus on a Happy life instead* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[12/11/2022 9:16 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*If one is to live an abundant life. One must seek out all manner of ways to be challenged. Otherwise the fountain of the flow of life will only trickle in. One needs to perturb the flow of life so as to engage it fully. Rich engagement is the fruit of enlightened labor of one’s passion by a sense of fulfillment.*

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[03/12/2022 5:17 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*You can get everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.*

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[04/12/2022 9:45 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Take some time and figure out what you desire most from life. Wherever your desire is, your heart will be also. Seek the opportunity to become greater than your circumstances. You may not be where you want to be. But if you continue pushing forward and striving at a steady pace, you'll get there. All things take time.*

 *Have  a Glorious Sunday* *and Goodnight*

[05/12/2022 4:06 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:*   


*We must welcome the* *future, remembering that* *soon it will be the past;* *and we must respect the* *past, remembering that it* *was once all that was* *humanly possible.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[06/12/2022 4:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :*  

*A desire arises in the* *mind. It is satisfied* *immediately another* *comes. In the interval* *which separates two* *desires a perfect calm* *reigns in the mind. It is at* *this moment freed from* *all thought, love or hate.* 

 *Have a Thrilling Tuesday*

[07/12/2022 8:02 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*As the biggest library if it* *is in disorder is not as* *useful as a small but* *well-arranged one, so you* *may accumulate a vast* *amount of knowledge* *but it will be of far less* *value than a much* *smaller amount if you* *have not thought it over* *for yourself.* 

 *Have a Wonderful* *Wednesday*

[08/12/2022 4:55 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Entire ignorance is not so* *terrible or extreme an* *evil, and is far from being* *the greatest of all; too* *much cleverness and too* *much learning,* *accompanied with ill* *bringing-up, are far more* *fatal.* 

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[09/12/2022 7:31 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.*

 *Have a Fulfilling Friday*

[10/12/2022 5:11 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Smiling through* *confusion is courage.* 

 *Smiling through tears is* *strength.* 

 *Smiling through pain is* *power.* 

 *Smiling through tragedy* *is greatness.* 

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[11/12/2022 9:23 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.* 

 *Have a Glorious Sunday and Happy Night Rest*

[12/12/2022 10:00 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*You get peace of mind not by thinking about it or imagining it, but by quietening and relaxing the restless mind*

 *Have a Meaningful Monday*

[13/12/2022 8:09 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.*

 *Have a Thoughtful Tuesday*

[14/12/2022 7:53 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The mind never sleep. Though the body can be idle, there shall always be something for the mind to do! Do something with your mind then!* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[15/12/2022 3:40 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.*

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[17/12/2022 8:24 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*I will govern my life and* *thoughts as if the whole* *world were to see the* *one and read the other,* *for what does it signify* *to make anything a* *secret to my neighbor,* *when to God, who is the* *searcher of our hearts,* *all our privacies are* *open?* 

 *Have a wonderful* *weekend*

[19/12/2022 7:58 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *Absolute silence leads to* 

 *sadness. It is the image* 

 *of death.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[20/12/2022 9:28 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Wisdom allows nothing* *to be good that will not* *be so forever; no man to* *be happy but he that* *needs no other* *happiness than what he* *has within himself; no* *man to be great or* *powerful that is not* *master of himself.* 


*Have a Thoughtful* *Tuesday*

[21/12/2022 9:06 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Money is only a tool. It* *will take you wherever* *you wish, but it will not* *replace you as the driver.* 

 *Have a wonderful* *Wednesday*

[22/12/2022 5:48 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*How to gain, how to* *keep, how to recover* *happiness is in fact for* *most men at all times* *the secret motive of all* *they do, and of all they* *are willing to endure.* 

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[24/12/2022 7:38 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*When marrying, ask* *yourself this question:* *Do you believe that you* *will be able to converse* *well with this person into* *your old age? Everything* *else in marriage is* *transitory.* 


*Have a Wonderful* *Weekend*

[25/12/2022 5:22 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *All over the place, from* *the popular culture to the* *propaganda system,* *there is constant* *pressure to make people* *feel that they are* *helpless, that the only* *role they can have is to* *ratify decisions and to* *consume.* 

 *Have a Glorious Sunday* *and Happy Christmas*

[26/12/2022 9:36 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Those who forget good* *and evil and seek only to* *know the facts are more* *likely to achieve good* *than those who view the* *world through the* *distorting medium of* *their own desires.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday and Happy Boxing Day*

[27/12/2022 5:49 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*You don't develop* *courage by being happy* *in your relationships* *everyday. You develop it* *by surviving difficult* *times and challenging* *adversity.* 


*Have a Trilling Tuesday*

[28/12/2022 5:44 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*The whole problem with* *the world is that fools* *and fanatics are always* *so certain of themselves,* *and wiser people so full* *of doubts.* 


*Have a Wonderful* *Wednesday*

[29/12/2022 7:39 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Every man builds his* *world in his own image.* *He has the power to* *choose, but no power to* *escape the necessity of* *choice.* 

 *Have a Thoughtful* *Thursday*

[30/12/2022 9:22 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Nothing endears so* *much a friend as sorrow* *for his death. The* *pleasure of his company* *has not so powerful an* *influence.* 


 *Have a Fullfiling Friday*

[31/12/2022 6:23 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*When a man laughs at* *his troubles he loses a* *great many friends. They* *never forgive the loss of* *their prerogative* 

 *Have a Wonderful* *Weekend*

[02/01 9:21 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*When a man laughs at* *his troubles he loses a* *great many friends. They* *never forgive the loss of* *their prerogative.* 


*Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[03/01 9:13 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS  :* 

*When we are mindful,* *deeply in touch with the* *present moment, our* *understanding of what is* *going on deepens, and* *we begin to be filled with* *acceptance, joy, peace* *and love.* 


*Have a Thrilling Tuesday*

[04/01 9:28 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Listen to the cry of a* *woman in labor at the* *hour of giving birth - look* *at the dying man's* *struggle at his last* *extremity, and then tell* *me whether something* *that begins and ends* *thus could be intended* *for enjoyment.* 

 *Have a Wonderful* *Wednesday*

[05/01 4:18 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*When you disarm the* *people, you commence* *to offend them and show* *that you distrust them* *either through cowardice* *or lack of confidence,* *and both of these* *opinions generate* *hatred.* 


*Have a Thoughtful* *Thursday*

[06/01 8:25 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*If virtue promises* *happiness, prosperity* *and peace, then progress* *in virtue is progress in* *each of these for to* *whatever point the* *perfection of anything* *brings us, progress is* *always an approach* *toward it.* 


*Have a Fulfilling Friday*

[07/01 4:58 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*It is easy to see the* *faults of others, but* *difficult to see one's own* *faults. One shows the* *faults of others like chaff* *winnowed in the wind,* *but one conceals one's* *own faults as a cunning* *gambler conceals his* *dice.* 

 *Have a Wonderful* *Weekend*

[08/01 7:52 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The wicked leader is he* *who the people despise* . 

 *The good leader is he* *who the people revere.* 

 *The great leader is he* *who the people say, 'We* *did it ourselves.'* 

 *Have a Glorious Sunday*

[09/01 5:27 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Kindness in words* *creates confidence.*  

*Kindness in thinking* *creates profoundness.*  

*Kindness in giving* *creates love.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[10/01 3:47 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*There is no doubt that* *life is given us, not to be* *enjoyed,  be* *overcome; to be got over.* 


*Have a Thrilling Tuesday*

[11/01 5:57 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*We must welcome the* *future, remembering that* *soon it will be the past;* *and we must respect the* *past, remembering that it* *was once all that was* *humanly possible.* 


*Have a Wonderful* *Wednesday*

[12/01 7:41 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Parents lend children* *their experience and a* *vicarious memory;* *children endow their* *parents with a vicarious* *immortality.* 

 *Have a Thoughtful* *Thursday*

[22/01 4:39 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*There must be* *something solemn,* *serious, and tender about* *any attitude which we* *denominate religious. If* *glad, it must not grin or* *snicker; if sad, it must* *not scream or curse.* 


*Have a Victorious* *Sunday*

[23/01 6:57 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :*

 *How to gain, how to* *keep, how to recover* *happiness is in fact for* *most men at all times* *the secret motive of all* *they do, and of all they* *are willing to endure.* 

 *Have a Meaningful* *Monday*

[24/01 9:39 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 


*A noble man compares* *and estimates himself by* *an idea which is higher* *than himself; and a mean* *man, by one lower than* *himself. The one* *produces aspiration; the* *other ambition, which is* *the way in which a vulgar* *man aspires.* 


*Have a great Thrilling* *Tuesday*

[26/01 8:07 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Desire is poverty. Desire is the greatest impurity of the mind. Desire is the motive force for action. Desire in the mind is the real impurity. Even a spark of desire is a very great evil.* 

 *Have a Thoughtful* *Thursday*



 *Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling* *Tuesday*

[08/02 3:01 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The 10 ever greatest misplacements in life:* 

 *1. Leadership without character.* 

 *2. Followership without servant-being.* 

 *3. Brotherhood without integrity.* 

 *4. Affluence without wisdom.* 

 *5. Authority without conscience.* 

 *6. Relationship without faithfullness.* 

 *7. Festivals without peace.* 

 *8. Repeated failure without change.* 

 *9. Good wealth without good health.* 

 *10. Love without a lover.*

 *Have a  great Wonderful Wednesday*

[09/02 4:44 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The adventure of life is to learn.* 

 *The purpose of life is to grow.* 

 *The nature of life is to change.* 

 *The challenge of life is to overcome.* 

 *The essence of life is to care.* 

 *The opportunity of life is to serve.* 

 *The secret of life is to dare.* 

 *The spice of life is to befriend.* 

 *The beauty of life is to give.*

 *Have a great Thrilling Thursday*

[10/02 8:23 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Never say mean words out of  anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.* 

 *Have a Fulfilling Friday*

[11/02 8:55 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself.* 

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[12/02 9:36 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*No one can destroy the love God has for you. When you abide in truth, you also abide in love. And truth is evidence of love. Nothing can destroy the power of trusting and loving unconditionally.*

 *Have a Glorious Sunday*

[13/02 5:21 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*The best opportunities sometimes have the worst appearances. The poorest people sometimes have the richest minds. The shallowest people sometimes have the deepest pockets. The quietest people sometimes have the wildest hearts. The meekest people sometimes have the greatest power. The calmest people sometimes have the uneasiest souls. The humblest people sometimes have the biggest accomplishments.*

 *Have a Meaningful Monday*

[14/02 3:30 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*So many people shall regret three great things tomorrow; things they did, things they did not do and things they were yet to do!*

 *Have a Thoughtful Tuesday*

[15/02 5:27 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*One way to define wisdom is the ability to see, into the future, the consequences of your choices in the present. That ability can give you a completely different perspective on what the future might look like.*

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[16/02 4:53 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Time is not the great teacher. Experience is. A man may live a whole life, but if he never leaves his home to experience that life, he dies knowing nothing. A mere child who has suffered and lived can be the wiser of the two.*

 *Have a Thrilling Thursday*

[17/02 5:33 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Age is a seasoned trickster. To our parents, we will always be children. Within ourselves, the same yearnings of youth; the same aspirations of adolescence, will last a lifetime. Only to the young - blinded by our grey hair and slowing gait - do we appear old and increasingly beyond the pale.*

 *Have a great Fulfilling Friday*

[18/02 4:58 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Dream hurts; yet we never stop dreaming; just like the way love hurts but we still love to love*

 *Have a Wonderful Weekend*

[19/02 6:08 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Money is human* *happiness in the* *abstract; he, then, who is* *no longer capable of* *enjoying human* *happiness in the* *concrete devotes himself* *utterly to money.* 

 *Have a great Glorious* *Sunday*

[20/02 2:25 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Capital is money, capital* *is commodities. By virtue* *of it being value, it has* *acquired the occult* *ability to add value to* *itself. It brings forth* *living offspring, or, at the* *least, lays golden eggs.* 


*Have a great Meaningful Monday*

[21/02 8:28 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*We should give as we* *would receive, cheerfully,* *quickly, and without* *hesitation; for there is no* *grace in a benefit that* *sticks to the fingers.* 


*Have a great Thrilling* *Tuesday*

[22/02 8:15 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*The value of life lies not* *in the length of days, but* *in the use we make of* *them... Whether you find* *satisfaction in life* *depends not on your tale* *of years, but on your will.* 


*Have a great Wonderful* *Wednesday*

[23/02 3:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.* 


*Have a great Thoughtful* *Thursday*

[24/02 10:22 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Indeed every monad must be different from every other. For there are never in nature two beings, which are precisely alike, and in which it is not possible to find some difference which is internal, or based on some intrinsic quality.* 


*Have a Night rest and a great Fulfilling Friday*

[25/02 2:51 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred.* 


*Have a great Wonderful* *Weekend*

[26/02 5:40 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results* 

 *Have a great Glorious Sunday*

[27/02 12:16 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

 *I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations - one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it - you will regret both.* 

 *Have a great Meaningful* *Monday*

[28/02 9:00 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.* 


 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[02/03 10:21 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *People in their handlings of affairs often fail when they are about to succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the beginning, there will be no failure.* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday and Happy Night rest.*

[03/03 9:46 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.* 


*Have a great Fulfilling* *Friday*

[04/03 8:25 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *In dwelling,* 

 *live close to the ground.* 

 *In thinking,* 

 *keep to the simple.* 

 *In conflict,* 

 *be fair and generous.* 

 *In governing,* 

 *don't try to control.* 

 *In work,* 

 *do what you enjoy.* 

 *In family life,* 

 *be completely present.* 


*Have a great Wonderful* *Weekend*

[05/03 8:43 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought, love or hate.* 

 *Have a great Glorious* *Sunday*

[06/03 5:28 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.* 


*Have a great Meaningful* *Monday*

[07/03 9:33 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.* 


*Have a great Thrilling* *Tuesday*

[08/03 9:41 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *When virtue is lost,* *benevolence appears,* 

 *when benevolence is lost* *right conduct* *appears,* 

 *when right conduct is* *lost, expedience appears.* 

 *Expediency is the mere* *shadow of right* *and truth; it is the* *beginning of disorder* .


*Have a great Wonderful* Wednesday*

[09/03 8:08 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The wicked leader is he* *who the people* *despise.* 

 *The good leader is he* *who the people revere.* 

 *The great leader is he* *who the people say, 'We* *did it ourselves.'* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful* *Thursday*

[10/03 8:53 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.* 


 *Have a great Fulfilling* *Friday*

[11/03 8:52 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions, and see what they would be at, as often as it is practicable; and to make this custom the more significant, practice it first upon yourself.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful* *Weekend.*

[12/03 9:46 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Opinion is like a pendulum and obeys the same law. If it goes past the centre of gravity on one side, it must go a like distance on the other; and it is only after a certain time that it finds the true point at which it can remain at rest.* 

 *Have a great Glorious* *Sunday*

[13/03 9:27 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Wood burns because it has the proper stuff in it; and a man becomes famous because he has the proper stuff in him.* 

 *Have a great Meaningful* *Monday*

[14/03 9:22 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *One hearty laugh together will bring enemies into a closer communion of heart than hours spent on both sides in inward wrestling with the mental demon of uncharitable feeling.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[15/03 8:09 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *A mind at liberty to reflect on its own observations, if it produce nothing useful to the world, seldom fails of entertainment to itself.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Wednesday*

[16/03 9:22 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of one's life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted.* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday*

[17/03 9:03 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *We name time when we say: every thing has its time. This means: everything which actually is, every being comes and goes at the right time and remains for a time during the time allotted to it. Every thing has its time.* 

 *Have a great Fulfilling Friday*

[18/03 5:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Weekend and Vote Wisely*

[19/03 8:11 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *If you seek truth you will not seek victory by dishonorable means, and if you find truth you will become invincible.* 

 *Have a great Glorious Sunday*

[20/03 9:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Love has features which pierce all hearts, he wears a bandage which conceals the faults of those beloved. He has wings, he comes quickly and flies away the same.* 

 *Have a great Meaningful Monday*

[21/03 8:16 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[23/03 8:36 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday and Ramadan Kareem*

[24/03 10:07 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.* 

 *Have a great Fruitful Friday*

[25/03 3:54 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Parents lend children their experience and a vicarious memory; children endow their parents with a vicarious immortality.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Weekend*

[26/03 9:38 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.* 

 *Have a great Glorious Sunday*

[27/03 9:51 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results.* 


*Have a great Meaningful Monday*

[28/03 10:05 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *We name time when we say: every thing has its time. This means: everything which actually is, every being comes and goes at the right time and remains for a time during the time allotted to it. Every thing has its time.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[29/03 9:14 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Wednesday*

[30/03 9:40 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Not necessity, not desire - no, the love of power is the demon of men. Let them have everything - health, food, a place to live, entertainment - they are and remain unhappy and low-spirited: for the demon waits and waits and will be satisfied* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday*

[07/04 9:29 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline;* 

 *simulated fear postulates courage;* 

 *simulated weakness postulates strength.* 

 *Have a great Fruitful Friday*

[08/04 9:34 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *I like to walk about among the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions, because they would take away my liberty.* 


*Have a great Wonderful Weekend*

[10/04 9:37 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.* 

 *Have a great Meaningful Easter Monday*

[11/04 9:13 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The most happy man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end and beginning of his life.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[12/04 9:29 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Wednesday*

[13/04 10:34 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*To be able to endure odium is the first art to be learned by those who aspire to power.* 

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday*

[18/04 9:47 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful; and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm.* 

 *Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[19/04 9:21 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *It seems to me that, in every culture, I come across a chapter headed "Wisdom." And then I know exactly what is going to follow: "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."* 

 *Have a great Wonderful Wednesday*

[22/04 10:08 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good.* 

 *Have a great weekend*

[23/04 9:40 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.* 


*Have a great Glorious Sunday*

[24/04 7:42 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument.* 

 *Have a great Meaningful Monday*

[26/04 5:24 AM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS  :* 

*Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training, but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort.* 


*Have a great Wonderful Wednesday*

[27/04 8:39 AM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *Good fame is like fire; when you have kindled you may easily preserve it; but if you extinguish it, you will not easily kindle it again.* 


 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday*

[29/04 6:57 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others.* 


*Have a great Wonderful Weekend*

[30/04 10:08 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

 *The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it.* 

*Have a great Glorious Sundayl*

[02/05 9:16 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS :* 

*Men ought either to be indulged or utterly destroyed, for if you merely offend them they take vengeance, but if you injure them greatly they are unable to retaliate, so that the injury done to a man ought to be such that vengeance cannot be feared.* 


*Have a great Thrilling Tuesday*

[03/05 6:29 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Understanding is deeper than knowledge. There are many people who know you, but there are very few who understand you.* 

 *Have a Wonderful Wednesday*

[04/05 8:03 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Fame is a vapor, popularity is an accident, riches take wings, those who cheer today may curse tomorrow and only one thing endures - character.*

 *Have a great Thoughtful Thursday*

[06/05 9:09 PM] Oga ganiyu: *WISDOM SAYS:* 

*Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence.*

 *Have a great Wonderful Weekend*

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